Become part of Members Academy
Do you work with IVF and are you interested in developing your skills and results? Become part of Stroebech-IVF Members Academy.
As part of your monthly membership, you will get new knowledge, with continuous posts, important tips and tricks blogs, Q&A sessions with Dr Lotte Stroebech and invited guests, and the opportunity to participate in webinars. Most importantly of all – Academy members get a considerable discount on the online “hands on” bovine IVF training course.
Testimonials from members and course participants:
Thank you, Lotte, for sharing with us your valuable knowledge and experience through this universe."
The online course is a must for anyone working with IVF. It is as practical hands on as it can be online.
I highly recommend to join the website. Proud to have inspired this initiative and see my legacy continue."
From across the globe, Lotte has provided a plethora of information with astounding dedication. Her ongoing assistance has undoubtedly contributed to our production of excellent embryos and subsequent growth of our practice."
Lotte is an amazing woman who does a fantastic job at explaining all the fine details that are easy to miss so we all can be successful and help change and improve the industry.
Lotte and Stroebech IVF have been wonderful mentors to me and my business that I keep learning from in the future. If you are hesitant on signing up - just do it! You will learn so much so fast that will help set you apart from the rest."
Lotte is a wonderful person with endless passion in the field of IVF. Thank you! ❤️"
Exclusively for Academy Members
A quick guide e-book
Setting up the IVF laboratory
The key factors of setting up an IVF laboratory- and running it from best practice.
Questions & Answers
Read the replies to the most frequently asked questions from IVF labs all around the world
As a member, you will continuously get new inspiration and knowledge, you get access to guides, learning videos and downloads. In addition, you get access to the popular Q and A posts that are regularly offered. Most of all you get access to post questions directly to me.
Answers only available to members of the Academy
Answers only available to members of the Academy
Answers only available to members of the Academy
Answers only available to members of the Academy
Answers only available to members of the Academy
Answers only available to members of the Academy
Answers only available to members of the Academy
Knowledge worth sharing
As an Academy Member you can look forward to watching conference talks within the field of Assisted Reproductive Technologies.
“Emergencies in the IVF lab : Lessons for practitioners and scientists” Dr Stroebech’s talk from the AETE webinar on October 6th, 2021.
“Troubleshooting in IVF lab – based on experience and logic” Dr Stroebech’s keynote speaker presentation at ACE India Academy of Clinical Embryologists with the theme: Creating Healthy Life in vitro. October, 2021.
“Troubleshooting in IVF lab – how it helps in setting SOPs” Dr Stroebech’s workshop presentation at ACE India Academy of Clinical Embryologists with the theme: Creating Healthy Life in vitro, October 2021.
Exclusive guests sharing their knowledge
As an Academy Member you can look forward to interesting videos with exclusive guests who have contributed to the field of bovine IVF.
Dr. Avery and Dr. Stroebech discuss serum supplementation in media, protocols, temperature and what pitfalls to avoid.
Bovine embryo splitting with reproductive embryology specialist Jane H. Pryor, MS., BS., ATR from Texas.
Dr Avery and Dr Stroebech discuss the importance of the correct experimental set-up and the hidden sources of contamination to watch out for.
Dr Vahid Najafzadeh demonstrates how to perform an embryo biopsy using the ‘flicking’ technique on bovine IVF embryos.
Dr Vahid Najafzadeh and Dr Lotte Stroebech share results on vitrified biopsied IVF embryos and genomic selection from the Elite Ova project.
Dr George Siedel talks with Dr Lotte Stroebech about the possibility of using assisted reproductive technology to bring back extinct species.
Watch Professor Claus Yding Andersen, MSc, DMSc, give a presentation with the title: “Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation – from basic science to clinics” and discuss applications to the veterinary field, ethics and future perspectives with the technology including the use of it as anti-aging therapy.
Watch this IVF Talk with Dr Marc-André Sirard discussing the influence of the mother metabolism on the epigenetic programming in oocyte and embryos including the analysis of mitochondria DNA methylation across generations.
As an Academy Member you’ll get great discounts on our various online courses. For the moment, the Online Bovine Training Course is available for Academy Members for just € 1200.
Regular price is € 2400, so it’s a 50% discount.

Join the Members Academy now
Stay updated with latest news, get invitations to exclusive webinars, and get considerable discounts on courses. The Online Bovine Training Course is available at just € 1200 if you are Academy Member, normal price is € 2400 .